Rip Hunter... Time Master (1961)
The Criminal League Of Time
S - | Ep 16 | 1963/10/ |
Comic | - min | |
"The Criminal League of Time" (art by Bill Ely). Cover price $0.12.
Rip Hunter... Time Master (1961)
The Secret of the Saxon Traitor
S - | Ep 5 | 1961/11/ |
Comic | - min | |
"The Secret of the Saxon Traitor." Last 10-cent cover price. Cover price $0.10.
Rip Hunter... Time Master (1961)
The Captive Time-Travelers
S - | Ep 14 | 1963/06/ |
Comic | - min | |
"The Captive Time-Travelers" (art by Bill Ely). Cover price $0.12.
Rip Hunter... Time Master (1961)
The Menace Of The Mongol Magician
S - | Ep 13 | 1963/04/ |
Comic | - min | |
"The Menace of the Mongol Magician" (art by Bil Ely). Statement of ownership--average paid circulation 195,000. Cover price $0.12.
Rip Hunter... Time Master (1961)
The Missing-Link Monster!
S - | Ep 25 | 1965/04/ |
Comic | - min | |
"The Missing-Link Monster." Statement of ownership--average print run 313,000; average paid circulation 197,000. Cover price $0.12.
Rip Hunter... Time Master (1961)
Public Enemy of the 26th Century
S - | Ep 18 | 1964/02/ |
Comic | - min | |
"Public Enemy of the 26th Century" (art by Bill Ely). Cover price $0.12.
Rip Hunter... Time Master (1961)
The Stowaway From ??? A.D.
S - | Ep 22 | 1964/10/ |
Comic | - min | |
"The Stowaway From ??? A.D." (script by Jack Miller, art by Bill Ely) Cover price $0.12.
Rip Hunter... Time Master (1961)
The Secret Of Mount Olympus
S - | Ep 11 | 1962/12/ |
Comic | - min | |
"The Secret of Mount Olympus" (art by Bill Ely). Cover price $0.12.
A Rip Through Time Pulp Series: "Chaos in the Stream"
S - | Ep - | 2011// |
Short Story | - min | |
A Rip Through Time Pulp Series: "Darkling in the Eternal Space"
S - | Ep - | 2011// |
Short Story | - min | |
A Rip Through Time Pulp Series: "Loose Ends"
S - | Ep - | 2012// |
Short Story | - min | |
A Rip Through Time Pulp Series: "The Final Painting of Hawley Exton"
S - | Ep - | 2013// |
Short Story | - min | |
A Rip Through Time Pulp Series: "The Dame, the Doctor, and the Device"
S - | Ep - | 2010/09/03 |
Short Story | - min | |
One of a series of stories that follows pulp hero Simon Rip through time as he first takes care of problems caused by H. G. Wells' traveler and then searches for Dr. Berlin, a later inventor of time travel.
A Rip Through Time Pulp Series: "Battles, Broadswords, and Bad Girls"
S - | Ep - | 2010/09/04 |
Short Story | - min | |
One of a series of stories that follows pulp hero Simon Rip through time as he first takes care of problems caused by H. G. Wells' traveler and then searches for Dr. Berlin, a later inventor of time travel.
Rip Van Winckle
S - | Ep - | 1973/09/02 |
TV Movie | 27 min | |
Rip wanders off one day into the mountains, passes out under a tree, and he wakes up to find that 20 years have passed and the world has changed.
Rip Van Winkle
S - | Ep - | 1819// |
Short Story | - min | |
The story of Rip Van Winkle is set in the years before and after the American Revolutionary War. In a pleasant village, at the foot of New York's Catskill Mountains, lives kindly Rip Van Winkle, a Dutch villager. Van Winkle enjoys solitary activities in the wilderness, but he is also loved by all in town„especially the children to whom he tells stories and gives toys. However, he tends to shirk hard work, to his nagging wife's dismay, which has caused his home and farm to fall into disarray. One autumn day, to escape his wife's nagging, Van Winkle wanders up the mountains with his dog, Wolf. Hearing his name called out, Rip sees a man wearing antiquated Dutch clothing; he is carrying a keg up the mountain and requires help. Together, they proceed to a hollow in which Rip discovers the source of thunderous noises: a group of ornately dressed, silent, bearded men who are playing nine-pins. Rip does not ask who they are or how they know his name. Instead, he begins to drink some of their Hollands and soon falls asleep. He awakes to discover shocking changes. His musket is rotting and rusty, his beard is a foot long, and his dog is nowhere to be found. Van Winkle returns to his village where he recognizes no one. He discovers that his wife has died and that his close friends have fallen in a war or moved away. He gets into trouble when he proclaims himself a loyal subject of King George III, not aware that the American Revolution has taken place. King George's portrait on the inn's sign has been replaced with one of George Washington. Rip Van Winkle is also disturbed to find another man called Rip Van Winkle. It is his son, now grown up. Rip Van Winkle learns that the men he met in the mountains are rumored to be the ghosts of Hendrick (Henry) Hudson's crew, which had vanished long ago. Rip learns he has been away from the village for at least twenty years. However, an old resident recognizes him and Rip's grown daughter takes him in. He resumes his usual idleness, and his strange tale is solemnly taken to heart by the Dutch settlers. The henpecked husbands in the area often wish they could have a sip of Rip's elixir to sleep through their own wives' nagging.
Rip Van Winkle
Part 4: Rip Leaving Sleepy Hollow
S 1 | Ep 4 | 1896/10/03 |
Film Short | - min NR | |
Rip Van Winkle (Joseph Jefferson) is a ne'er-do-well who wanders off one day into the Kaatskill mountains where he drinks some of a group odd men's mysterious brew and passes out only to find when waking up that 20 years have passed.
Rip Van Winkle
Part 2: Rip Meeting the Dwarf
S 1 | Ep 2 | 1896/10/01 |
Film Short | - min NR | |
Rip Van Winkle (Joseph Jefferson) is a ne'er-do-well who wanders off one day into the Kaatskill mountains where he drinks some of a group odd men's mysterious brew and passes out only to find when waking up that 20 years have passed.
Rip Van Winkle
Part 8: Rip Passing Over Hill
S 1 | Ep 8 | 1896/10/07 |
Film Short | - min NR | |
Rip Van Winkle (Joseph Jefferson) is a ne'er-do-well who wanders off one day into the Kaatskill mountains where he drinks some of a group odd men's mysterious brew and passes out only to find when waking up that 20 years have passed.
Rip Van Winkle
Part 1: Rip's Toast
S 1 | Ep 1 | 1896/09/30 |
Film Short | - min NR | |
Rip Van Winkle (Joseph Jefferson) is a ne'er-do-well who wanders off one day into the Kaatskill mountains where he drinks some of a group odd men's mysterious brew and passes out only to find when waking up that 20 years have passed.