Who's The Boss?

Who's The Boss?

Release Date:  11/20/1990
Country of Release:  USA
Length:  30 minutes
Medium:  Video
Release Message:  At a prestigious club's last night after 65 years, Tony (Tony Danza) and Angela meet an elderly couple, which met there 46 years ago and reminisces how they met and got married during the world war.
Description:  At a prestigious club's last night after 65 years, Tony and Angela wanted to be asked by the other but end up double dating with third parties. They meet an elderly couple, which met there 46 years ago and reminisces how they met and got married during the world war as a result of Navy sailor Nick's naughty, horny date move lies. A wartime story transports Tony and Angela back to the '40s, where the war gives their romance urgency.