Tim Cohen's Amazing Adventures In Cardboard Box Time Travel

Tim Cohen's Amazing Adventures In Cardboard Box Time Travel

Release Date:  9/1/2015
Country of Release:  USA
Length:  61 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  SF
Release Message:  Tim Cohen (Evan Jacobs) travels back in time via his a cardboard box, and isolates everyone in his life when he becomes obsessed with stopping the JFK Assassination.
Description:  When Tim Cohen travels back in time, he feels as though he has hit upon the discovery of the 21st Century: He has found a way to time travel... in a cardboard box. His only problem is that nobody believes him. It also doesn't help that his proof of time travel is iPhone footage that nobody seems to be able to understand. Undeterred, Tim resumes his experiment. Continuing to be met with skepticism, even more incomprehensible time travel footage and his passion turning into paranoia, Tim refuses to heed the calls to do something else with his life. Eventually, just when it seems like he's about to give up, TIM COHEN'S AMAZING ADVENTURES IN CARDBOARD BOX TIME TRAVEL show they are just getting started.