The Olden Days Coat

The Olden Days Coat

Release Date:  //1979
Country of Release: 
Medium:  Literature
Release Message:  Ten-year-old Sal comes across a little girl's winter coat, tries it on, and finds herself transported into the past where she makes an unexpected connection to her heritage and her grandmother. Written by Margaret Laurence.
Description:  Ten-year-old Sal is disappointed when she and her parents spend Christmas at her grandmother's house, instead of at home, like they did before Grandpa died. In order to pass the time, Sal explores the contents of an old trunk. Searching through the old photographs she comes across a little girl's winter coat, tries it on, and finds herself transported into the past where she makes an unexpected connection to her heritage and her grandmother. This model tale of time travel was one of Margaret Laurence's few forays into children's literature and has remained a favourite of children of all ages. New art by the original illustrator makes this a beautiful book for Christmas and for all seasons. A special treat for Margaret Laurence fans.