Description: A detective show, it was based on the British series Life on Mars which featured a policeman suddenly transported back to 1973. The Spanish version of the show was set four years later, in 1977, and took its name from the Spanish song "La Chica de Ayer" by Nacha Pop in a similar manner to the British version which was named after the David Bowie song "Life on Mars?".[2] It featured Ernesto Alterio in the role of Samuel Santos, a modern-day police officer who finds himself in 1977 post-Franco Spain under the command of Quin Gallardo (Antonio Garrido), a tough old-school policeman contemptuous of his modern methods Spanish remake of UK cult TV series: Life on Mars. The show was not renewed for a second season. The producers made two versions of the season finale and aired the one written to wrap up the series if it did not continue.