The 12 Days of Christmas Eve

The 12 Days of Christmas Eve

Release Date:  12/7/2004
Country of Release:  USA
Length:  85 minutes
Medium:  Video
Release Message:  Calvin Carter (Steven Weber), a successful business executive, has it all, but neglects those closest to him. After an accident, a nurse tells him he has 12 days (12 chances) to get his act together and achieve the "perfect" Christmas Eve.
Description:  Calvin Carter is pleased: he probably landed a Latin American joint venture for the retail chain The Buck Stops Here, which he saved from bankruptcy when his dad's mind went. Never mind he thus missed all family fun on Christmas Eve. Only walking home after a drink with his loyal right hand Drew, he has a fatal accident. In the hereafter he learns the day will start over up to twelve times 'til he 'does it perfectly', not what is 'perfect'. After treating this as a chance to improve business-wise, Calvin realizes it's probably a humane thing, but every attempt to be more generous fails to stop the next freak fatal accident.