Star Trek: Hidden Frontier

Star Trek: Hidden Frontier

Release Date:  //
Country of Release:  USA
Length:  40 minutes
Medium:  Video
Release Message:  A glimpse at what could have happened if the original Excelsior, under Captain Hikaru Sulu, had found itself falling through a temporal anomaly on its way to assist Captain Kirk.
Description:  A glimpse at what could have happened if the original Excelsior, under Captain Hikaru Sulu, had found itself falling through a temporal anomaly on its way to assist Captain Kirk at Camp Khitomer. The Federation has fallen to the Borg, having been punished by the Q Continuum for their massive retaliatory strike against the weakened Klingon Empire after the assassination of the Federation President. What remains is being led by the battlestar USS Excelsior, as they search for a safe haven, but the arrival of the original Excelsior may provide a way to do more than simply survive. (alternate timeline and temporal anomaly)