One Thousand Years

One Thousand Years

Release Date:  3/10/2002
Country of Release:  USA
Length:  98 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  DRA
Release Message:  An intimate, everyday portrait of a girl who has a crush on a guy who's too cool for her -- her jealous friend, and two time travelers trying to save their worlds from millennial apocalypse.
Description:  An intimate, everyday portrait of a girl who has a crush on a guy who's too cool for her -- her jealous friend, and two time travelers trying to save their worlds from millennial apocalypse. One Thousand Years tells two different stories; in the first, Maria develops a crush on cool-kid Keith, an unattainable hipster far out of Maria's league. Maria's best friend Emma swallows her own feelings for Maria as she patiently listens to her obsessive meanderings. Woven into this triangle, Emma tells Maria the second story, a tale of two time-travelers, one from one thousand years in the past, and another from one thousand years in the future, who meet in the here and now to find a mysterious book that ostensibly saved our own times from the millennial apocalypse of Y2K. After searching unsuccessfully, the two travelers become absorbed in the trappings of modern times, slowly to drift apart from each other.