One Magic Christmas

One Magic Christmas

Release Date:  11/22/1985
Country of Release:  USA
Length:  89 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  FAM FAN
Release Message:  Ginny (Mary Steenburgen) has a difficult time mustering Christmas spirit due to her husband Jack's (Gary Basaraba) unemployment and her humble position as a grocery store clerk.
Description:  Ginny (Mary Steenburgen) has a difficult time mustering Christmas spirit due to her husband Jack's (Gary Basaraba) unemployment and her humble position as a grocery store clerk. With the holiday fast approaching, Ginny and Jack's daughter, Abbie (Elizabeth Harnois), goes to deliver her letter to Santa. On her way, Abbie meets Gideon, an angel intent on saving Christmas from Ginny's poor attitude. With Gideon's magical assistance, Ginny learns how things could be much worse.