Mirror, Mirror II

Mirror, Mirror II

Release Date:  10/25/1997
Country of Release:  Australia / New Zealand
Length:  24 minutes
Medium:  Video
Release Message:  Constance and her mother go to get their picture taken; when it is developed a strange shadowy figure has appeared in the background. Starring Antonia Prebble as Mandy.
Description:  Constance and her mother go to get their picture taken; when it is developed a strange shadowy figure has appeared in the background. The children begin hiding the mirror from Lily so she can no longer get through. Fergus has the idea to scan the photograph into his computer to try to determine who the mysterious figure is. Meanwhile, Gervaise is working in the house's cellar and strange things start to happen. The ghostly figure appears to Constance and writes to "Beware". The children discover that the ghost is Charles Jamieson, an Irishman who built Limerick House back in 1842. A local M ori woman tells the children that Charles died in the cellar of the house. The ghost was warning the children of a cave-in in the cellar, Constance rushes through the mirror, just in time to save her mother from being crushed in the cellar.