Made in Wales

Made in Wales

Release Date:  11/23/2009
Country of Release:  UK
Length:  10 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  DRA
Release Message:  Lovesick teenager Zach (Lewis Coster) gets a second chance to hit it off with the hottest girl in school when, while restarting his aging computer, he hits Ctrl-Alt-Del once too often and finds that he's been sent back in time to the start of the day.
Description:  Lovesick teenager Zach has one chance to hit it off with the hottest girl in school but blows it when he accidentally hits her at the school disco. But he gets a second chance when, while trying to restart his aging computer, he hits Ctrl-Alt-Del once too often and finds that he's been sent back in time to the start of the day and has a new chance to get it right. Geeky teenager Zach ruins his chance with the hottest girl in school, but after pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del for the hundredth time on his crappy old PC, it miraculously restarts his day. Will he get it right this time?