Lost In A Good Book

Lost In A Good Book

Release Date:  //2002
Country of Release: 
Medium:  Literature
Release Message: 
Description:  The second of the Thursday Next novels by Jasper Fforde. The title character travels back in time to save her husband from being eradicated and experiences a time loop before returning to her present-day 1985. Three months after the events of The Eyre Affair, Thursday Next is happily married to Landen Parke-Laine and working as a literary detective out of Swindon. One day, Thursday meets her father, a renegade ChronoGuard, who informs her that the world's going to end in a flood of an unknown pink chemical. This is a result of one of her uncle Mycroft's inventions going out of control. Mycroft has destroyed his Prose Portal after the events of The Eyre Affair and retired, leaving the invention business in the hands of his two well-meaning but inept sons, Orville and Wilbur.