Land of the Lost (1974-1977)

Land of the Lost (1974-1977)

Release Date:  10/11/1975
Country of Release:  USA
Length:  23 minutes
Medium:  Video
Release Message:  The Zarn is to blame when gravity begins weighing down the inhabitants of the Land of the Lost. Co-created by Sid Krofft.
Description:  The Zarn is to blame when gravity begins weighing down the inhabitants of the Land of the Lost. Rick, Will and Holly feel like something is pushing them to the ground, where they can't move or thus lift themselves. These occurrences are short lived but frequent. This feeling seems to be affecting all creatures, and by Ta, Sa and Cha-Ka's reactions, Rick can tell that it is something that they have never felt either. The last time something like this happened was when Will and Holly fooled around with the weather pylon. Investigating, Rick and Will do find that someone has indeed done something to the weather pylon. They believe the skylons, which are flying over the mist marsh, are trying to counteract whatever is happening. Because of the skylons' position, Rick believes that Zarn, the light creature in the mist marsh, has something to do with what is happening. They do find that Zarn is indeed affecting gravity in order to escape from the Land of the Lost. But Zarn's plan effectively would destroy the Land of the Lost, and the Marshall family and probably Zarn along with it.