Kingdom Hospital

Kingdom Hospital

Release Date:  7/15/2004
Country of Release:  USA
Medium:  Video
Release Message:  Mrs. Druse (Diane Ladd) enlists seance volunteers to take a sleep-inducing drug, which allows them to go back in time, seeking to change the tragic course of events at Kingdom Hospital. Featuring Ed Begley, Jr as Dr. Jesse James.
Description:  Kingdom Hospital's demise draws near as the earthquakes continue to grow in size and frequency. Mary shares the hospital's tragic past with the true believers and Peter makes both her and Antubis visible. Mrs. Druse reveals that during the fire, Gottreich burned down the mill for insurance money, killing everyone inside. She enlists sĀŽance volunteers to take a sleep-inducing drug, which allows them to go back in time, seeking to change the tragic course of events at Kingdom Hospital.