I Am Weasel

I Am Weasel

Release Date:  7/24/1998
Country of Release:  USA
Length:  30 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  COM FAM
Release Message:  Weasel creates an underpants time machine which I.R. (Charlie Adler) steals and uses to go back in time. Weasel tries to stop him and accidentally goes back in time too.
Description:  I.M. Weasel creates an underpants time machine which I.R. Baboon steals and uses to go back in time. I.R. is sucked by a time hole, and trying to be not sucked he holds Weasel's lab coat and they both back in time together. While traveling in time, I.R. inadvertently solves some history problems, such as make the dinosaurs become extinct and creating onion rings.