Doctor Who (1963-1989)

Doctor Who (1963-1989)

Release Date:  10/27/1979
Country of Release:  UK
Length:  24 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  ADV DRA SF
Release Message:  Discovering a gigantic, fragmented eggshell, the Doctor (Tom Baker) and Romana find themselves under arrest for tramping about in a zone marked for death.
Description:  Answering a distress call, the TARDIS lands on Chloris, a planet choked with abundant vegetation. Discovering a gigantic, fragmented eggshell that's the source of the call, the Doctor and Romana also find themselves under arrest for tramping about in a zone marked for death. Before they can be brought before Lady Adrasta, the matriarchal ruler, for questioning and ceremonious execution, a roving ban of metal-scavenging bandits attack and run off with Romana.