Doctor Who (1963-1989)

Doctor Who (1963-1989)

Release Date:  1/3/1976
Country of Release:  UK
Length:  24 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  ADV DRA SF
Release Message:  The Tardis lands on the bleak planet Karn, in a spaceship graveyard, where The Doctor (Tom Baker) and Sarah find an evil scientist called Doctor Solon is constructing a new body for the brain of a evil time lord known as Morbius.
Description:  The Tardis lands on the bleak planet Karn, in a spaceship graveyard, where The Doctor and Sarah find a evil scientist called Doctor Solon is constructing a new body for the brain of a evil time lord known as Morbius, whom The Doctor thought was executed by the high council on Gallifrey. Where Morbius with his new body plots to rule the galaxy.