Bridge Of Time

Bridge Of Time

Release Date:  3/15/1997
Country of Release: 
Length:  120 minutes
Medium:  Video
Release Message:  International aid worker (Susan Dey), her photographer ex, and greedy villain survive plane crash in Africa and are taken to a utopian city where she learns that she is destined to replace its dying spiritual leader.
Description:  The Shangri-La tale with a new age/millennial twist. International aid worker, her photographer ex, and greedy villain survive plane crash in Africa and are taken to a utopian city where she learns that she is destined to replace its dying spiritual leader. Believing that she is needed more in the outside world, she leaves, but finally returns to accept her fate, a new love and fulfillment in the hidden city. A United Nations relief worker and writer, her photojournalist ex-husband, and an opportunistic fortune hunter are saved by the inhabitants of a secret, lost city, following a plane crash. The trio encounter a community which is trying to preserve the human race from self-destruction, a place where peace prevails and youth springs eternal. The spiritual leader of this Shangri-La explains to Madeline, the UN worker, that it was no coincidence that she was brought to the lost city; it is her destiny to be the custodian of the human race.