A Big Grey-Blue Bird

A Big Grey-Blue Bird

Release Date:  6/7/1970
Country of Release:  West Germany
Length:  95 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  CRI SF THR
Release Message:  Two rival gangs try to obtain the five parts of a dangerous formula held by five scientists, who have discovered a way to rupture the space-time continuum and trained themselves to unlearn the terrible secret. Starring Klaus Lemke.
Description:  Two rival gangs try to obtain the five parts of a dangerous formula held by five scientists, who have discovered a way to rupture the space-time continuum and trained themselves to unlearn the terrible secret. A young documentary film crew and band of thugs race against each other for their own Great Whatsit: a team of disappeared German scientists who have discovered a way to rupture the space-time continuum and trained themselves to unlearn the terrible secret. In A Big Grey-Blue Bird, filmic space and time likewise fold in on themselves through an array of shooting formats, nonlinear narrative and innovative sound design; and the line between diegetic and non-diegetic is as tenuous as the reality represented. Can's recurring ñShe Brings the Rainî is the film's sole constant, its smoky jazz and startlingly traditional performance by original vocalist Malcolm Mooney providing a subdued counterpoint to the psychic and cinematic cacophony.