You Are A Widow, Sir

You Are A Widow, Sir

Release Date:  1/15/1971
Country of Release:  Czechoslovakia
Length:  97 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  COM SF
Release Message:  After a soldier cuts off the arm of a king's cousin, the king decides to deactivate the army. Starring Iva Janzurova.
Description:  After a soldier cuts off the arm of the king's cousin, the king decides to deactivate the army. Of course, generals don't like it at all and they try to kill the king. The assassin should be artificial body in the shape of actress Evelina Keleti and with brain of psychotic serial killer Fany StubovĂ . They also manage to kill the king's astrologer Stuart Hampl, who warns the king. Accidentally, Hampl's brain is implanted into the assassin's body, actress Keleti is killed and chaos begins...