Lancelot: Guardian of Time

Lancelot: Guardian of Time

Release Date:  //
Country of Release: 
Length:  90 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  ACT FAN SF
Release Message:  Lancelot is sent through time to protect Arthur before he becomes King of Camelot. Featuring Claudia Christian as Katherine.
Description:  Lancelot is sent through time to protect Arthur before he becomes King of Camelot. Lancelot is sent through time by Merlin to protect young Arthur before he becomes King of Camelot, but by accident, they both end up in present day world along with the villains. Only technology can help them now. Merlin sends Lancelot du Lac through time in order to protect a young Arthur before he becomes king. However due to an accident Lancelot and Arthur are thrown into the future with Wolvencroft and his bodyguard Blackpool. Lancelot must team up with a writer and computer programmer in order to save the young king from Wolvencroft's schemes.