The Alien Time Machine: Encounters From Another Dimension

The Alien Time Machine: Encounters From Another Dimension

Release Date:  8/31/2010
Country of Release: 
Medium:  Video
Release Message:  Garfield discovers that an old stopwatch can stop time.
Description:  Join Eerie Investigations', Karen Frandsen, as she explores the mysterious experiences of author, Terry Le Riche Walters. Terry's personal accounts of alien visitations, abductions and spiritual prophecies from other dimensions are profound and riveting. See the world's only real Time Machine built using alien technology. Featuring exclusive footage of the machine and a group of researchers gathered to discuss its use and the bizarre technology behind it. Uncover dramatic insights into the fabric of reality itself and will keep you up at night wondering about what's "real" and what isn't. Though accounts of supernatural phenomena in the early 21st century are hardly uncommon, few can rival the otherworldly claims of controversial author Terry Le Riche Walters (WHO ON EARTH AM I?). Among other chronicles, Walters has attested to extraterrestrial visitations and abductions, spiritual prophecies from other dimensions, and (in what may be his most extreme account) the presence of a time machine built using alien technology. As hosted by Karen Frandsen of Eerie Investigations, a paranormal think tank, this program brings together Walters and a group of legitimate researchers who gather to discuss the time machine and the technology belying it.