Description: The team track another magical fugitive to London, with a new punk rock band favored by the queen, called "The Smell". Constantine hypothesizes that the fugitive is a leprechaun, and is posing as a member of the band. The team attempt to scope out The Smell, with Ray earning their trust by stealing one of the Queen's prized corgis, and discovers that instead of a leprechaun the fugitive turns out to be a shapeshifter and the band's lead singer Charlie. Fearing imprisonment, Charlie knocks Ray unconscious (despite him preparing to defend her) and steals his A.T.O.M. suit, using it to try and kill Sara, Zari, Mick, and Constantine when they attempt to catch her and banish her to hell. Eventually, Ray wakes up and saves the group by dismembering his suit via voice activation, and Charlie is caught. However as Constantine attempts to banish her, she shapeshifts to resemble each of them and ending with Amaya while calling them out for not acting like heroes, causing Zari to feel sympathy for it. Out of annoyance, Constantine casts a spell that renders Charlie unable to shapeshift ever again, leaving her trapped in Amaya's form. They decide to keep her as prisoner on board the Waverider.