Early Edition

Early Edition

Release Date:  1/17/1998
Country of Release:  USA
Length:  41 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  DRA FAN SF
Release Message:  A young princess of a small country in the Balkans visits Chicago. Slightly inebriated, she leaves a party unnoticed and falls asleep in Gary (Kyle Chandler)'s car.
Description:  A young princess of a small country in the Balkans visits Chicago. She has many functions to attend and people to meet in performance of her royal duties, but she yearns for time away from her handlers to be by herself and sight-see the town. Slightly inebriated, she leaves a party unnoticed and falls asleep in Gary's car. Unaware of who she is he takes her to the bar, and the next day she tags along with him as he goes about saving people throughout the city. When the time comes for her to return to her duties, she thanks Gary as feelings have developed between the young couple.