Land of the Lost (1974-1977)

Land of the Lost (1974-1977)

Release Date:  9/21/1974
Country of Release:  USA
Length:  23 minutes
Medium:  Video
Release Message:  A troublesome baby brontosaurus follows Will and Holly (Kathy Coleman) home.
Description:  A troublesome baby brontosaurus follows Will and Holly home. While she and Will are out alone doing some work, Holly notices something that Will believes is just a big green rock. Upon closer inspection, they find it is a freshly hatched egg, presumably some sort of dinosaur egg. They soon find out that it was indeed a dinosaur, a brontosaur. After arguing about the situation, they decide to name the baby brontosaur Dopey, since brontosaurs are notoriously clumsy and this one, as a baby, doesn't seem too bright. Regardless, Holly gets attached to Dopey, and after feeding him some of the giant strawberries they harvested, they end up having trouble getting rid of it. That isn't a problem for Holly as she'd like to keep Dopey as a pet, and attempt to train it to do some work. However, Rick doesn't believe it's such a good idea, as Dopey is still a 5,000 pound animal, and one that doesn't understand much. In addition, Dopey could be a liability as an extra mouth to feed, and an animal that could attract a hungry carnivore like Grumpy.