The Veil

The Veil

Release Date:  //
Country of Release:  USA
Length:  25 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  HOR
Release Message:  A man witnesses a robbery and murder in the apartment across the street from his own. When the police are called, it is discovered that the apartment is empty.
Description:  A man witnesses a robbery and murder in the apartment across the street from his own. When the police are called, it is discovered that the apartment is empty. Has he seen what he thinks he has seen? Are we dealing with the past, the present or the future? Only those willing to go "Behind The Veil" will know for sure. (visions of future crime) Looking out of his window, Mr. Paige witnesses the murder of a blonde across the street. The police find nothing but an empty apartment, so they send the upset Paige to Bellevue to talk with a psychiatrist. While he's there, a blonde moves into the previously deserted apartment.