Ulysses 31

Ulysses 31

Release Date:  12/26/1981
Country of Release:  France
Length:  25 minutes
Medium:  Video
Genre:  ADV FAM
Release Message:  Ulysses (Matt Birman) follows one of the Trident Transports to the home of the gods - Olympus itself.
Description:  Ulysses follows one of the Trident Transports to the home of the gods - Olympus itself. There the gods test him and he will see The Three Fates at work. But Zeus makes Ulysses a terrible offer, choose Earth or the children. When the Odyssey is passed by one of the remote controlled Trident Transport vessels Ulysses decides to follow it. The Odyssey follows the pilot-less ship all the way to the home of the gods, Olympus itself. Zeus orders Ulysses and the children to leave immediately but Ulysses refuses to listen. The group find themselves upon a deadly game board but with Nono's help they manage to escape. They discover what has happened to all those who have entered Olympus before them, a workforce of eternal slaves forced to operate the vast looms of the gods weaving the threads of life for the Three Fates. An immortal army of the dead attacks Ulysses and he becomes separated from the children. The gods then offer him a choice between two seats - one will allow him to return home the other will return the children to him.