Boys' Life: "The Time Machine Twins the Jamboree"

Boys' Life: "The Time Machine Twins the Jamboree"

Release Date:  8//1973
Country of Release: 
Medium:  Literature
Release Message: 
Description:  Unique in the series. No real time travel to past or future, except for a time when Tucker sacks out on a 40th century beach. Bob Tucker wants to attend the August 1973 Jamboree West in Idaho, and the simultaneous Jamboree East in Pennsylvania, so Brains, Rodney Carver, and Kai help him out, using the time machine to attend both at the same time. There's a new member of the Polaris patrol, Rex Dill, who's not in on the secret of the time machine, and they keep it from him, with some difficulty. First story solely by "Keith Monroe." Dion is mentioned as training for the Olympics back in 448 BC. So he seems to be living back there, though in a previous story he graduates from high school in their present-future, and competes in a modern-day Olympics.