Axis of Time - Weapons of Choice

Axis of Time - Weapons of Choice

Release Date:  //2004
Country of Release: 
Medium:  Literature
Release Message:  A naval task force from 2021 is accidentally sent back to the Battle of Midway. Written by John Birmingham.
Description:  The Axis of Time trilogy is an alternative history series of novels written by Australian journalist and author John Birmingham, from Macmillan Publishing. A naval task force from 2021 is accidentally sent back to the Battle of Midway. The plot is similar to the 1980 movie The Final Countdown, about a modern USN aircraft carrier which travels back in time to just before the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor. The plot also has similarities seen in the series Zipang, about a Japanese missile destroyer transported back in time right before the Battle of Midway. World War 2.1: Weapons of Choice (2004)