Baffling Mysteries (1952)

Baffling Mysteries (1952)

Release Date:  11//1953
Country of Release: 
Medium:  Literature
Release Message: 
Description:  6 of Me on the Prowl, art by Ken Rice; An evil sculptress and a mad doctor create six clones of ex-G.I. Barney Phelps; As the clones commit crimes, the real Phelps is desperate to stop them. 12 Hours to Doom, art by Lou Cameron; Businessman Arthur Matlin discovers a magic sundial which summons Chronos, the spirit of time;p With the help of Chronos, Matlin can travel some hours ahead into the future; He uses this ability to commit crimes. The Ghost in the Portrait, art by Ken Rice; A young couple free the ghost of an evil ancestor; He takes revenge on the bones of the people who sentenced him to death; Then he commands the man to murder his wife, as he did with his wife. Crimson Wraith from the North, art by Sy Grudko. 36 pgs. $0.10. Cover price $0.10.