Description: This is the second live-action television adaptation of the novel of the same name. It aired as a five-episode Japanese television live-action TV series broadcast on Fuji Television between February 19 and March 19, 1994, directed by Masayuki Ochiai and Y ichi Sat , with screenplay by Ry ichi Kimizuka and music by Joe Hisaishi. It stars the then-rookie idol Yuki Uchida in the main role, and also features the writer of the original book, Yasutaka Tsutsui, and the then-unknown idols Miho Kanno (the first Tomie), Ranran Suzuki and her then-rabbit-cosplayed-partner in the children's TV show Ponkikies: future J-pop star Namie Amuro. The series' theme song is "Mermaid" ( Ningyo?) by Nokko. Version of The Little Girl Who Conquered Time (1997)