Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap

Release Date:  1/17/1990
Country of Release:  USA
Length:  48 minutes
Medium:  Video
Release Message:  Sam (Scott Bakula) must prevent a fellow high school football player from throwing the championship game and losing his scholarship.
Description:  Sam must prevent a fellow high school football player from throwing the championship game and losing his scholarship. Sam finds himself back in high school when he leaps into the body of Eddie Vega. Eddie and his best friend Chuey Martinez both star on the school's football team and Sam is there to keep Chuey from throwing the upcoming championship game. It turns out that Chuey's mother is several months behind in her rent to her landlord who also happens to be a heavy gambler. In return for Chuey throwing the game - he's the team's star receiver - he'll forgive what his mother owes.