Time Travel Gangster Chronicles

Time Travel Gangster Chronicles

Release Date:  8/13/2013
Country of Release: 
Medium:  Video
Genre:  SF
Release Message:  A group of gangsters unwittingly relive a 'Ground-hog day' to decide their future in keepers of the time travel machine and the antidote which relieves the side effects of time travel. Produced by original film director Paul J. Lane.
Description:  The follow up series from the top 10 most popular films on IMDB (Number 3 most popular British film, Number 2 most popular time travel film, Number 8 most popular gangster film February 2013) feature film 'C.O.O.L.I.O Time Travel Gangster'. A group of gangsters unwittingly relive a 'Ground-hog day' to decide their future in keepers of the time travel machine and the antidote which relieves the side effects of time travel.